Wish you all a more successful 2009!~  

Posted by Xi_soaring

Plan For a Spectacular 2009

I've read this from webpage recently. And i think it's really helpful. So i post it here for all my fellow students' a better 2009, for a more successful 2009!!

"The greatest danger for most of us is not that we aim too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." Michelangelo.
If 2009 is to be everything you want it to be, if you (and your teams) are to achieve your goals, then it must be planned. And planned well.
Setting and achieving powerful and effective goals is a skill. One that is imperative to have if you and your teams are to reach your goals.
Before turning to the year ahead it is important to review the one just gone - to celebrate its successes and to learn from its mistakes.

Spend a few minutes answering these questions:

* What successes were there in 2008?
* What was the biggest objective and was it reached?
* What wasn't achieved?
* What did I enjoy about my work?
* What did I dislike about my work?
* What areas are exactly where I want them to be?
* What areas still need work?
* What needs to change?

Once you have a very clear idea of how 2008 turned out and of where you are right now, you can start to plan the year ahead.
Begin by answering the questions below. Your responses will really help you to work out the way forward so make sure you take your time and give each question the attention it deserves before moving on to the next one.
And while you are doing this exercise remember the Michelangelo quote at the beginning of this article "The greatest danger for most of us is not that we aim too high and miss it, but that we aim too low and reach it." For a spectacular year it's vital to stretch your comfort zone, to make the goals just that little bit bigger than is comfortable.
* What is my biggest objective for 2009?
* What is my team's biggest objective for 2009?
* What strengths do I/we need to build on?
* What weaknesses do I/we need to work on?
* What are my/our biggest opportunities at this moment?
* What are my/our biggest threats?
* What are my/our top 3 time stealers?
* How can I/we better manage my/our time?
* What are my/our top 3 energy drainers?
* How can I/we top up my/our energy levels?
* How will I/we know it's been a spectacular year?

When you have the right and full answers to all of these questions you will have the foundations you need to create a spectacular 2009.

© Emma Wortt of Em-powering Executives, 2009. All Rights Reserved. Em-powering Executives help leaders and their teams to attain excellence via executive coaching and training. To receive articles directly, you can subscribe to the FREE monthly Em-powering Executives newsletter at http://www.em-poweringexecutives.co.uk

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emma_Wortt

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The 3 Phases of Goal Setting Activities You Must Follow  

Posted by Xi_soaring

Do you want to buy a castle? Do you want to play basketball with Michael Jordan? Do you want to have dinner with Bill Gates? Do you want to be a millionaire? Do you want to visit the world's most exotic place? Well, as you already know, with the help of goal setting, it is possible for you to achieve all your dreams.

In fact, goal setting can be divided into 3 phases; they are, the formation phase, the setting phase and the action phase. Without any of these phases, your goal setting activities will not be completed and you will never achieve what you want.

The first phase is the formation phase where ideas, visions or dreams come to you and you want to make them come true. With that means, you need to know exactly what you really want before you can set goal to achieve it. So find out what you really want to achieve in your life right now. Do you have any dreams? Do you have any visions? What do you want to achieve in the next 10 years? Who are you going to be in the next 5 years?

Next comes the setting phase, this is where you set your goals. Goal setting is not as complicated as you think. All you need to do is to grab a pen and write down your goals on a piece of paper. Remember, you need to be as specific as possible and don't forget to write down the deadline for each of your goal. After that, paste that paper on somewhere you can see often. This will constantly remind you about your goals.

The final phase is where after you have set your goals; you need to take action to make your goals come true, and hence, the action phase. Nothing is going to happen if you are not taking any action. Goal setting is not a magic wand; it is not like after you have written down your goals and they will come true automatically. You need to consistent action that will lead you toward your goals.

These are the 3 phases of goal setting activities. By combining these 3 phases together, you will be able to achieve your goals, guaranteed. Remember, success is about getting things done. First find out what you want, set goals and develop plan to achieve them, and then take massive and consistent action everyday.

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The Top Ten New Years Resolutions For 2009 - Trying to Improve  

Posted by Xi_soaring

Every year it seems to be the same 10 top resolutions. Why? Because they are just so hard to keep! The only two resolutions listed below that I was able to keep were the quit smoking and get more exercise. I hope that you have better luck than I did. My list includes many of the items listed below, but this article is not about Richard's New Years Resolutions, but the top 10 Resolutions. Here is the list:

1. Get Out of Debt

This is going to be a hard one to keep, with the economy going the way it is going. People are using their credit cards for basic purchases, like gas, food, etc. With the fear of losing their jobs or even their homes. This will be the number one fear of many Americans.

2. Stop smoking

This one should be fairly easy to keep. With governments taxing customers, and the legislation that makes smokers feel so uncomfortable, it should be the one anybody can keep.

3. Get Fit

This is an excellent habit to get into. Once you start it, you will want to continue until you can not.

4. Lose Weight

It is amazing how many overweight people there are in America. I was a physically fit person until I moved to the North East. Than I ballooned up to 286 lbs and had high blood pressure. It has been a long battle, but the weight is coming down.

5. Enjoy Life More

The key here is to find something you love, and do it until you are an expert. You can than teach other people what to do and hopefully start a business doing what you love. With a good grounding in marketing you can always find customers.

6. Quit Drinking

If drinking is a problem for you than you should seek medical advice and attention. Alcholol is an addictive drug, and you will need some serious attention.

7. Get Organized

With the help of a PDA (many cell phones now have these), getting organized is so much simpler. In the old days we had to use index cards and brick tablets. These PDAs help with the mundane stuff, in order that you can get on with the serious things in live. .

8.. Learn Something New

If you love to learn this is so exciting. Why should the young be the only ones to learn? In the past year or so, I have taken up art. I love it, it is so relaxing.

9. Spend more time with the Family

This is where you have to think of quality time, and how you should spend it with your family. What can you and your family do together. Hold a little family council, and see what they like to do together.

10. Help Others

This can be an rewarding endeavor. It does necessarily mean doing things for the low income and the needy. It also can mean helping young kids learn a sport, or recreational activity, etc.

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The Secret to Achieving Your Goals in 2009  

Posted by Xi_soaring

Most people already know how to set goals. The process is pretty simple and even if we are not aware of them, we already set goals and accomplish them automatically. Going from your house to work without even thinking about it is an example of this. The goal is to get to work and you automatically get out of the house and get on your way. We do little things like this everyday without realizing that we are actually setting and accomplishing goals. Most of us don't even think about it, as we are on an autopilot in doing these things.

The biggest thing that you can do to make sure that you accomplish your goals for this year is to be sure that they really get you motivated. That they become things that you have to do without even questioning it, just like going to work everyday. They have to become things that you do habitually. They have to become a part of you.

The only way that we can really ensure that we will accomplish our goals in 2009 is that we make sure that we are willing do to whatever it takes to accomplish them. That we will not let other things get in their way. That we will spend time and put aside other things so that they become a priority in our lives.

Through furthering your education on achieving goals and not just setting them, you will begin to be able to achieve them much more rapidly and you will become much better at getting yourself focused on them so that they do become your reality.

url :http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Secret-to-Achieving-Your-Goals-in-2009&id=1838644

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Welcoming the 2009 New Year's Resolution With a Bang!  

Posted by Xi_soaring

Do you know somebody who has finally given up on making their New Year's resolution? The year is almost about to end now, and with Christmas fast approaching, and then before you know it, wham---hello and welcome 2009! If you said it once before, then you have probably said it a million times. "This year I would _______." Feel free to fill in the blanks. It is so easy to aspire for nothing; well after all, you do not have to live with all the guilt of ruined promises. Perhaps you like to eat healthier foods, spend more quality time with your children, or lose weight (finally!).

For new mothers out there, maybe you really desperately want to lose your pregnancy weight once and for all. However when you truly dare to dream or aim and putting a plan of action into place, you would grow and develop to be a better and brighter human being. The passing of the whole calendar year becomes more momentous. Here are the 4 factors that can help you benefit from a fresh and new beginning in 2009 and in making your New Year's resolution more effective:

1. Begin with small and realistic steps. Do not shock or overwhelm yourself by making your goals and targets too sky-rocketing.

Just break down your big and lofty dreams into tiny and workable steps first. Rather than being daunted by the heaps and piles of work ahead of you, simply take a few paces in the right direction every day. For instance, running a whole marathon is not a doable goal for many individuals, but perhaps running 5 miles will be viable.

2. Tell somebody about your goals or New Year's resolution. No matter how great or small, whenever you make a decision to change for the better, share it to somebody you really care about or who cares for you.

Provide them the permission to monitor on your progress or improvement on a usual basis; ask that individual to keep you responsible.

3. Track or monitor your progress-- for example, your New Year's resolution is to be more cordial and hospitable; therefore, you commit and plan of hosting 12 dinners or meals over the course of the entire year. Create a list of the guests or the people you will like to invite to your home. When your guests come over, tick their names off your list. Keep the list and/or your New Year's resolution in a place where you can see them more often-otherwise you may forget about it.

4. Celebrate your success and triumphs. As you trace your advancement and evolution, you would see and feel incredible growth! Perhaps you are learning how to play the piano. Whenever you play a certain piece, you can celebrate by having a CD of your fave artist. Take time to enjoy and savor your life's little sweet victories and successes, however big or trivial. So, be prepared to make your 2009 New Year's resolution and stick to them. Now you can welcome the upcoming 2009 with a big bang!

url : http://ezinearticles.com/?Welcoming-the-2009-New-Years-Resolution-With-a-Bang!&id=1751564

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