With boundaries, the goal is more accomplishable  

Posted by Xi_soaring

Setting boundaries is best done with grace and without edge. The request is firm, and can be made compassionately and even while smiling with some. With other individuals be solidly firm but remain without anger or harshness in your voice.

Step 1- Inform them. Ex- I am working towards an important goal. Step 2- Request they stop. Ex- I ask that you do not come into my office between 8am-10am. Step 3- Demand they stop. Ex- You can not come into my office between 8am-10am. Step 4- Walk away with grace. Or in this case...lock the door to your office (smile).

Others may find your boundaries annoying at first but likely will gain respect for you.
Establish boundaries that set the support structure in place to meet your goal face to face. In doing so, you are much more likely to experience the elation and fulfillment of an end result you can be excited about!

Activate Starting Now:
• Make your Absolutely Yes List- The shorter the better.
• What could sabotage you from reaching your goal? Say No to that!
• Block the important tasks first in your schedule. Set limits to support success of your goal.
• Is there someone you need to set boundaries with? Have the conversation.

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How to set the goal smoothly?  

Posted by Xi_soaring

Setting a goal without boundaries is like eating a massive bowl of chocolate ice cream without a spoon, you can get to the end but it's going to get real messy! Boundaries provide the structure to hold focus. When one sets strong boundaries with a goal, they are making a bold commitment. They know what they want, and what they will and will not accept to achieve the ideal result. They are familiar with using courage, and have gained strength and self assurance. They become more authentic by providing structure to fully experience the vastness of their abilities. Sound appealing? Let us look at how to add boundaries around goals to improve your results.

Saying 'absolutely yes'- Know what you are saying 'absolutely yes' to every day. What actions are you fully committing to? Leave no room for excuses. What positive thought patterns will support you as you move forward? Consider physical actions and those thought choices.
Saying 'no'- Know when to say 'no'. Sometimes that means saying 'no' to distractions, instant gratification, or to a friend, family member, or associate. Sometimes it means saying 'no' to allowing fear to hold you back any longer or a negative thought pattern that beats you up and holds you back from your greatest abilities. What can sabotage you from reaching your goal? Say 'no' to that!

Set limits to be unlimited- Setting limits is taking control of your time. Twenty-four hours is enough! Make good choices. Set the primary block of time on your calendar to take actions that embrace your goal. Limit time surfing the internet, handling e-mail, talking on the phone, watching tv, waiting in lines, wasting time, making numerous trips to the store, etc.

Gracefully set strong boundaries with others- Most are scared to set boundaries with others but they are so thrilled and self assured when they are courageous and get good at it! This is because when we do not set boundaries we are allowing others to have control in our lives. When you teach others what you will and will not accept you take control back in your life which is an act of self love and self respect.

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Set your goal by a format  

Posted by Xi_soaring

Set your goals in a format that includes time frames, such as the start date, amounts, completed-to-date, and the date of expected task completion.

When you have achieved a goal, take the time to enjoy the satisfaction of your success. Absorb the implications of the achievement, and observe the progress you have made towards future goals. If the goal was a significant one, don't forget to reward yourself accordingly!

The Unsuccessful Goal Failing to reach your goals can go wrong for any number of reasons. When you fail to achieve a goal, the effects can leave a negative impact on both your attitude and self-esteem. The end result is giving up.

Why Some Goals Fail:
· The goal was set too high-(unrealistic)
· The goal was set too low (No feeling of accomplishment or satisfaction)
· The goal was set at the "outcome" level, rather than a "performance" level
· Too many goals were set at once. Focus on one goal at a time

The biggest reason for the inability to reach a goal is the failure to take action. You cannot reach your goals when you do not set a course of action.

The concept of setting goals is a cumbersome task in itself, therefore, it is logical to set goals separately in accordance to specific areas of your business and personal life. For example: if you want to further yourself in your career, you set goals pertaining to your career enhancement.

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Success are all dependent on It  

Posted by Xi_soaring

From now on, the following post are for further info about how to successfully set a goal. And some of them are actualy from the public webpage. The reference will be given at the bottom of the blog. Thanks!

We all devote countless hours thinking of our present situation in life, and our future. During this thought process, you probably have found yourself wishing you could change something. The first step to making any change, whether personal or professional, is to set goals.

Many of us are fantastic at setting our goals, however, most of us are practically incapable of following through with them. When you think about it, how many times have you decided on a course of action and then simply couldn't follow through with it? Too often, we fail because we didn't take the time to create a realistic goal-setting plan.

By setting goals, and charting your achievement, you are able to see your accomplishments, and what you can successfully complete in the near future. When you analyze your goal plan, and assess your achievements, you gain a certain confidence in yourself, which enables you to conquer more challenging goals. Goal setting can be a relatively painless process, providing you have the self-discipline required to follow through. The outcome of a successfully achieved goal is extremely rewarding!

Benefits of Achieving Set Goals:
· Accomplish more in life · Improve overall performance
· Feel an increased sense of satisfaction and pride
·Improve self-confidence and reduce negative thoughts

Think of goal setting as a process of personal development and planning. Setting goals enhances your ability to sort priorities in both personal, and business developments. When you know exactly what you plan to accomplish, you know what barriers you need to overcome. Goal setting is a way of life for many high-achievers: from professional athletes to multi-billion dollar companies. The idea is to create short-term motivation, with long-term triumph.

To effectively create a goal-setting plan, first think of what you hope to accomplish. Next, break it down in to more "bite-size" pieces. Consider your task as a completed puzzle--you see the whole picture at a glance. But, once the puzzle is in pieces, how do you go about re-assembling it? You start putting it together in sections, typically opting for the easier pieces--the ones that are obvious and make sense.

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